A sensation like sunburn is often observed, if clients feel particularly aware of the treatment area over the counter anti-inflammatory medication such as Ibuprofen can be taken.
Do not pick, peel or pull at carbon crust – wait for them to slough away naturally. This can take 4 to 7 days and can last up to 10 days .
The area treated must be kept free of all make up, mascaras, creams and lotions other than recommended aftercare products.
Cleanse the area twice daily with mild soap and lukewarm water to avoid build up of bacteria. Do not use alcohol-based cleansers or apply plasters as this can slow healing. After care ointment should be used sparingly twice a day .
Expect some swelling for one to three days after treatment – recovery times are generally shorter than this. This is a normal reaction, and part of the initial stages of the skin healing & rebuilding.
Clients must contact the clinic if at any time the area becomes hot, red or shows signs of infection.
As the area heals and dries, a light crust can form on the skin. Do not pick, and keep clean and dry.
Clients must wear SPF50 and stay out of the sun for 4 weeks to avoid hyperpigmentation.
No swimming or exercise 48 hours after treatment
Avoid any other facial treatments 2 to 4 weeks after plasma that includes waxing, botox and fillers and facials.